Thursday 31 July 2014

♫ #Music #Blues The best thing that happened today ...

I met the Canadian King of the Blues 

Excerpts from my brief conversation with Harrison Kennedy 

Me: I'm a big fan of B.B. King and I heard you were perfoming today. I love your music ... 
Thank you!
Have you met B. B King? 

Harrison Kennedy: (While autographing my CD, looks at me and smiles) Yes, as a matter of fact I have met him ...

Me: Thank you very much, may GOD bless you!

Harrison Kennedy: Thank you. May GOD bless you too 

Get the music of Harrison Kennedy on iTunes

and remember 

"You've got to tell the truth and shame the devil" - Harrison Kennedy

Sunday 27 July 2014

♫ Feeling laid back and missing the music of J J Cale

JJ Cale, Christine Lakeland and Eric Clapton

#Anxiety #Worry #Hope In my experience, it's pointless worrying about anything

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns ... 

                                              ... and yet your heavenly Father feeds them ...

Are you not much more valuable than they?

Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?

Read more in Matthew 6:25

Saturday 26 July 2014

#Barbecuing for Fifteen

Chicken and shrimp 

Used mild spices since I do not know any of our guests personal preferences 

Always great to meet new people!

Friday 25 July 2014

#Cake Went searching for Jamocha by La ROCCA only to find out they are discontinued

Now all that is left are memories ... 
and these pictures I took before we ate the last cake two years ago 

Why would anyone discontinue such a great cake?

Visit the official website of La ROCCA for more cake

Monday 21 July 2014

Afternoon walk at Niagara

The awesomeness of Niagara falls never ceases to thrill me

This gull is after my sandwich 

Here are some pictures of Niagara Falls on the American side

A trip through wine country is incomplete without stopping by to say hello and supporting a local farmer ...

So for cherries sake ...

Enjoy your summer!

Thursday 17 July 2014

Time to turn off sport mode suspension and say goodnight to you all from quattro country ☺

Audi magnetic ride suspension can be found in the Audi A3, TT and R8 models

Below is a short video (no sound) that shows how the suspension works

Friends, goodnight from quattro country, and sweet dreams ☺☺☺☺

Tuesday 15 July 2014

#Wildlife No coyotes or foxes, just saw rabbits on our evening walk now. But guess who's smiling & waiting at home ...

Saw three rabbits, here is the first one ... eating

And the next ...

Saw a Baltimore Oriole near these wild raspberries but I wasn't quick enough with my camera

Close up of the rabbit

Back home ...guess who's smiling and waiting ...

I like that smile ...

But it's time to find your way back to your place my dear raccoon

Also check out night of the raccoons ...
and have a good evening!

Saturday 12 July 2014

#Wildlife Just watched a spider eat its own web in less than a minute

Spider web on the Dahlia

After the web loses its stickiness (probably because of the water on the plant) it becomes ineffective in trapping its prey, so the spider eats the web to recoup the energy it spent on spinning the web

What a beautiful day for acrobatics such as this!

(I wish I took a video) ... 
... the spider starts eating in a certain pattern ...

Half way through the web ...

Very strategic in its approach!

It is almost done ...

Just enough web left to get back to the Dahlia leaf

Now, I could spend all day with this spider, but it is time for me to make my own rainbow 

Have a great sunshine weekend friends 

Friday 11 July 2014

#Friendship #Relationship What flowers and butterflies have taught me about #social media

I believe the intrinsic value of social media lies not just in connecting with people (call them followers, friends or connections on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn) but in having positive interactions with people, even those who are not connected to me.

Social media is not about how many connections (quantity) but about how much value (quality)

It doesn't matter if I'm a butterfly or just a fly

A pink sweet smelling rose or just some wild yellow flower

When people and enterprises engage with their customers using social media, they create lasting relationships

Which is why I don't buy followers or go looking to increase the number of friends, instead I just focus on what I have to do, and hope for awesome interactions and lasting relationships, because life is all about relationships

Thanks for connecting and have a great Friday

Thursday 10 July 2014

#Cuisine #Cooking a Thai style green curry with fresh Mussels

The ingredients include green chillies, garlic, shallots, lemongrass, white pepper, coriander, cumin powder, salt and coconut milk

Whatever you are eating, enjoy your meal