Sunday 5 February 2023

Watching Goldeneye and Long-Tailed Ducks enjoying the icy waters of Lake Ontario

Yesterday it was -30 degrees C when I went for a short walk.

Saw lots of Canada Geese having an arctic blast.

 Today it's warmer.

Goldeneye and Long-tailed Ducks are enjoying the icy waters of Lake Ontario!

Notice the shape of the head of the Goldeneye / Bufflehead

The genus name Bucephala is derived from the Greek word boukephalos 

meaning 'bullheaded' or 'bull head'

Long-tailed Ducks breed in the tundra and taiga regions of the Arctic

Compared to other ducks, the Long-Tailed Duck is the only duck that uses its wings to dive

So they can dive deeper, as deep as 400 feet!

This duck species is considered as vulnerable.


 Happy Winter!


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