Friday 5 April 2024

Listening to Gordon Lightfoot and painting Sunset over Georgian Bay

Been trying to start and finish this painting for months now, but other stuff keeps coming up in the way. 

Maybe it's time for me to move away from the city and focus on things in life that give you joy, and peace of mind

I know paintbrushes were made for painting but sometimes I just need to use other stuff to paint


Listening to Whispers of the North by Gordon Lightfoot and enjoying a glass of Glenfiddich

My wife asked why I was wearing gloves, 

So I said I'm using my fingers to paint instead of a paintbrush,

And I don't want paint on my fingers

Sunset over Georgian Bay at Owen Sound

24"x36" oil painting on canvas

Sunday 10 March 2024

Miracles still happen

A few weeks before Christmas, I stepped outside to fix some decorative lights. At little later, my neighbour stepped outside, and said hello. I had asked her how she was doing as her husband had passed away about six months earlier, and we hadn't seen her all that while. She said she was getting along.

I asked what her plans were for the future, whether she was planning to sell and maybe move to a smaller more manageable place, and she looked at me and very confidently said, 

"Oh, no, I plan to live here for a long time!"

A few weeks later one of her sons called me to say that she had suddenly passed away from a brain aneurysm around Christmas day.

We were shocked, and I was reminded of many things, which prompts me to share this:

I will never forget what she said, and it reminded me again that I am not fully in control of my life. 

This also reminded me that it is better for me to be a part of GOD's plan, than for me to ask GOD to be a part of my plans.

It also reminded me of the greatest commandment which summarizes all the laws and the prophets: 

To love GOD with all my heart, soul and mind, and to love my neighbour as myself. But who is my neighbour? Everyone - especially those who are different from me, and those who may not like me.

Having survived death a few years ago, I am always grateful for many things, and many people, but most of all, I am grateful to my creator to be alive, for all the relationships we have with each other, including you if you are reading this.

We all come in different shapes, sizes, colours, and backgrounds, and our greatest need as humans, is similar, it is, to love, and be loved.

Looking back at the past fifty seven years, I’ve learnt that the most important thing in life, is not how much money we make, what our titles are, who we know, or how big our homes or cars may be, but it is our relationships – business relationships, our relationships at the workplace, family relationships, relationships with strangers, and how we treat each other in society. Our greatest need as humans, is to love, and be loved.



Here’s a true story that some of you already know.

One weekend many years ago, we were getting ready to have dinner one evening when our doctor called us, and said "I just saw your CT scan reports. You have a brain aneurysm, and you need to go to emergency right now, and get admitted in hospital". So, we skipped dinner, and quickly walked down to the hospital.

It was only a few nights earlier that I had one of the worst headaches I'd ever had. The usual painkillers did absolutely nothing to ease the pain, which prompted me to see our doctor, and proceed with a CT scan and CT angiogram.


Now at the hospital, it wasn't long before I was told how serious my condition was. Also, the option to have surgery sounded very dangerous. I could die on the operating table, or end up paralyzed. But I was prompted to tell the surgeon to go ahead and do it.

Less than a few hours later I was on a stretcher, in a long, cold, quiet and empty corridor, waiting to be wheeled into the operating theatre. My wife was standing next to me. Then the surgeon arrived dressed in his light blue surgical outfit, and one last time explained, and asked if I had understood how critical the procedure was along with the unknown consequences.

I looked him in the eye, and said "Yes. Doctor... I just want you to know, that at this very moment, there are over a hundred people around the world praying for you!" He looked at me and smiled, and said, "I need that."

Moments later, after exchanging a few words with the anaesthetist, I blanked out... That must be what it feels like to be dead.

But I woke up many hours later, and realized that I was alive!!!


As they wheeled me to the intensive care, I barely had the energy to say "I am fine," to my wife who was anxiously and prayerfully waiting along with her friends.

The operation went very well, and not only was I released from hospital quickly, but I was back to work three days later (even though my boss asked me to take two weeks off to recover).

Not once during those critical moments did any negative thoughts such as that of dying, come across our minds.

That my friend, is what Peace is all about. And only GOD can give us that kind of Peace!

"And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus"
-- Philippians 4:7

For giving me a second life, I am truly grateful to the one who made me, and knows me, as well as the doctors, surgeons, friends, and family.

From my own experience I now know what this verse means:

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful; I know that full well." -- Psalm 139:14

I have experienced many miracles, and still continue to, but this one felt like going to the other side, and coming back. And I cannot help but share with you my friend, how GOD uses whoever HE chooses, whenever HE likes, wherever HE wants, through good times and bad, to glorify HIS name.

Remember, miracles still happen!

Sunday 15 October 2023

Listening to Acoustic Alchemy and painting Summertime

 It's ages since I got in the mood to do a painting

Been too busy working! 

Amanecer is one of my favourite tunes by Acoustic Alchemy


24"x36" oil painting on canvas

Saturday 29 April 2023

You can call it Abalone or Pāua, I'm cooking it

You can call it sea ears, muttonshells, ormer, abalone, paua or whatever you like

 Today, I'm cooking it the easiest way I know

These are from New Zealand


Cleaning them carefully

What a beautiful shell.
I collect these and have used them to make among other things
Exotic knife handle inlays!

Slice thin, and marinate in soy sauce for several hours

Stir-frying in ghee!

That's stir-fried abalone

This recipe is with whole abalone marinated with soy sauce and crushed dried red chillies

Love the iridescence of the shell!

Sunday 26 March 2023

I stared at the wood panel, and saw a leopard

 Found an old wood panel while doing some spring cleaning yesterday.

This panel must be at least fifteen years old.

This painting is special to me because, 

I actually saw this elusive leopard, and took photos

In the deep jungles of India. Read about it here


After spotting the leopard, it vanished in about 20 seconds