Sunday 31 January 2016

Themes from the Gospels

Many years ago when I was in India, just after I met Jesus,
I was prompted to do a series of oil and water colour paintings with ideas from here and there. 

I call them Themes from the Gospels 

I wish you Peace!

Saturday 30 January 2016

How to get 75% off the price of a really nice 2016 National Geographic calendar

I didn't print calendars this year, so had to buy them.

Buy the calendar during the last week of January 2016. 
(Most calendars have January of the next year, so you have 30 days to wait for prices to drop!)

Bacon Green Chilli and Onion Muffins

Got tired of the same old sweet muffins, and decided to try something different.

Bacon Green Chilli and Onion Muffins

Used two small onions chopped fine (3/4 cup), one green chilli also chopped fine, half a teaspoon of red chilli powder ... 

    ... and about four or five strips of bacon (already cooked and chopped) about 3/4 cup after chopping. 
This in addition to the usual muffin ingredients of 2 small eggs (or 1 large egg), 2 teaspoons of baking powder, 2 cups of flour, 3/4 cup of milk, and oh ... I used the oil leftover from frying the bacon (1/2 a cup of it) instead of vegetable oil ... Way better flavour!


Bake at 200°C (400 F) for about 20 minutes

Try replacing the green chilli with red chilli for a different flavour!

This recipe has 0% salt, 0% sugar as ingredients, 100% taste!
What's a weekend without bacon!

Don't like bacon? Try these ...

Thursday 28 January 2016

"God is more concerned with our character than with our achievements" - Derek Prince

"God is more concerned with our character than with our achievements.
Achievements have importance only in the realm of time.
Character is eternal.
It determines what we will be through eternity"

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Pietà Signore sung by Luciano Pavarotti

Pietà Signore sung by Luciano Pavarotti

Monday 25 January 2016

Why you don't need a plate or a cup to serve avocado

After you remove the seed, the avocado is a natural cup, if you want to add ingredients into it!

Sunday 24 January 2016

Cowboy Boots in the Snow

What a lovely winter day to spend in the backyard.
There's a little snow, and you can still see the grass on the ground.

My first painting for 2016

Listening to J J Cale and painting my boots 

16"x 12" oil painting on canvas

Listening to J J Cale

 Get After Midnight by J J Cale from his first album, Naturally, on iTunes

 Get The Problem by J J Cale from his thirteenth album, To Tulsa and Back, on iTunes

Call Me the Breeze  from J J Cale's first album Naturally

 Love this interview that features J J Cale, Christine Lakeland, ... and Eric Clapton

Wonder if anyone has videos with J J Cale and Mark Knopfler?

A few more of my favourites by J J Cale 

Saturday 23 January 2016

Wednesday 20 January 2016

What the world needs now is not more leaders and influencers. What the world desperately needs, is a Saviour!

Think about global issues like poverty, inequality, racism, disease etc. 
All these problems were created by human beings.
Leaders are human, just like you and me. And there is no leader who can fix any of these issues. 
Only a Saviour can help us.
What the world needs now is not more leaders and influencers.
What the world desperately needs, is a Saviour!

- John Koshy
20th January 2016

Spirit and Truth

"God is a spirit: and they that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth" - Jesus

(John 4:24)

Monday 11 January 2016

Sunday 10 January 2016

Stir-frying Shrimp and Spinach

Stir-fried  Shrimp and Spinach 

Marinate dry for an hour, about a kilo of unpeeled (or unshelled if you prefer) shrimp,
with a little salt, red chilly powder, and ground black pepper

Stir-fry, all finely chopped -> an onion, two green chilies, six cloves of garlic, some ginger, and when golden brown set aside.

On high heat, stir-fry the shrimp, add two dried red chillies, the onion/garlic/ginger mixture, and when the colour of the shrimp changes, add spinach and turn off the heat.
You don't have to eat the shells if you don't like it, but I love them for the crispy flavour! 

Btw, did you know that chitosan is derived from the outer shells of shrimp, crab, and other crustaceans? 

How to receive messages from any Twitter user even if you don't follow them

Here is a tip for law enforcement and investigative agencies that use Twitter to gather information.

Enable the ability for anyone on Twitter to privately send you a direct message (DM), 
even if you don't follow each other

Here is how to enable it.

Go to Settings

Select Security and privacy

Scroll down, check the box Receive Direct Messages from anyone
and click Save Changes

If someone has an important tip to submit, they will now be able to send a DM to you in real-time!

Saturday 9 January 2016

♫ Listening to Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3

♪ ♫ "Ain't gonna study war no more" is a reference to Isaiah 2:4 and Micah 4:3

This is a song about converting weapons to peaceful civilian applications,
and I love Mahalia Jackson's version of Down By the Riverside

"And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people:
And they shall beat their swords into ploughshare, and their spears into pruning hooks:
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore"

- Isaiah 2:4

The best parenting course is the one you do at home with your children

"The best parenting course is the one you do at home with your children" 

- John Koshy
9th January 2016

Friday 8 January 2016

Lovely day to cycle in the snow!

How often do you get to see snow and grass at the same time?

My son knew I wouldn't spend a hundred dollars to buy a gadget that calculates the distance I cycle, so he made this device which is on the handlebar 

The orange indoor bike trainer is something you can buy on Amazon. 
It allows you to use your own bike, no matter what the weather is (even outdoors)!

Thursday 7 January 2016

Walnut Chocolate Chip Muffins

Been doing some post Christmas/New Year cooking with the sole purpose of trying to use up all leftover ingredients, instead of wasting it.
So the ingredients in these recipes are random - based on what's available at home 

Found half a packet of chocolate chips in the fridge, 
so decided to bake walnut chocolate chip muffins at 6 am today!

Hot muffins for breakfast!

Sunday 3 January 2016


"Tell me why tell me why tell me why
Umm why can't we live together

No matter no matter what colour
Umm you are still my brother ...

Everybody wants to live together
Why can't we be together" 

- Sade

Get the song Why Can't We Live Together from Sade's official website

Evening walk with the children

Though it feels like -10 degrees C, the conversation is interesting, and 4.4 kilometres seems little!